Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I wrote to my cousin in Australia about the Victoria bushfire that has taken so many lives, livelihoods, and living spaces. Specifically, I asked what we could do to help. This is her answer:

Dear Jan,

Thank you so much for your concern.

This is the worst natural disaster that has ever occurred in Australia, and our worst loss of lives outside the World Wars.

We will be making a donation today. We've been tossing up between the Salvos (Salvation Army) or the Red Cross for immediate action. They say they need money for people to go and buy clothes, but the government is giving immediate grants. We also hear that mountains of donated goods are already arriving in the affected areas. A lot of aid will be required to help people start to rebuild their homes, and in some cases, entire towns. And the medical aid for the burns victims will be ongoing as well. Any of these organizations are good for immediate relief as well as follow up services.

Here are the email addresses for the
www.salvationarmy.org.au/donations and the
Red Cross
http://www.redcross.org.au/, as well as for the
Commonwealth Bank's Bushfire Appeal
commbank.com.au. Just specify 'The Victorian Bushfire Appeal.'

When we first came to Australia, Paul had an uncle (since deceased) living in an area called Healesville, which is under threat today. He loved Australia and the bush so much, and introduced us to its beauties. It was a lovely area; I just can't imagine how it must look now. Thanks so much for getting in touch.




1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jan. As you know I have friends near the fire area too however I have heard that they to are all safe and I thank God for that and pray he will give strengh to all those poor peole left behind. I have shed many tears for them
    LOve Sybil xx


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